Zirconia Crowns – A revolution in dentistry

Zirconia crowns are dental caps made Zirconia Crowns dentistry of zirconium dioxide, a ceramic material.
Zirconia crowns are dental restorations that dentists give to support weak teeth or
on the top of root canal-treated teeth/dental implants.
Cases where zirconia crowns can be used
• Large cavities
• Broken teeth
• Severe discoloration
• For replacing missing teeth by providing support from the neighboring teeth
• As caps to give strength to the teeth when required
Benefits of zirconia crowns –
• It looks like a tooth and improves its appearance.
• Its stability is also higher than that of other types of crowns.
• Zirconia crowns provide a very precise fit as it is metal-free
• Many dentists fabricate zirconia crown in one appointment with the help of
recent technological advancements. This reduces patient follow-up visits, and
less chairside work is involved.
• It is compatible with the tissues, which means that it does not have any kind
of associated reactions or side effects in the body.
• According to research, zirconia crowns can stay fit longer and bear all the
forces in a very balanced manner.
• Zirconia crowns allow easy access to oral hygiene methods like brushing and
• Zirconia crowns require a minimum amount of alteration to be done on the
teeth to be placed well.
Disadvantages of zirconia crowns –
• Although zirconia crowns resemble teeth, they are still more opaque than
other porcelain material crowns. This makes it very difficult for zirconia
crowns to match the colour of the teeth when the front teeth are the area of
• In certain scenarios, zirconia crowns cannot keep up with the forces applied
to them and this can reduce their strength and damage the tooth opposite of
the capped tooth as well.
Aftercare of Zirconia crowns –
• Avoidance of chewing on hard and sticky foods – One has to accept the fact
that once we have zirconia crowns or any kind of dental crowns on our
mouth, we should avoid munching on hard nuts very vigorously from that
particular region, also having chewing gums or very sticky food items can also
create a vacuum in the dental crowns and it can tend to dislodge the dental
• Oral hygiene maintenance – It is very important to maintain basic hygiene
methods in general, especially when one has dental crowns, such as brushing
your teeth every day twice and flossing between your teeth after every meal.
There are newer methods of how we can efficiently maintain cleanliness, like
the usage of water flossers and electric toothbrushes. These electronic
devices are very helpful in maintaining oral hygiene, especially when we have
zirconia crowns/any dental crowns in our mouth. It helps us get rid of micro
food particles and eliminates the plaque content around the dental crown
region, increasing the longevity of the zirconia crowns.
• Keep your teeth-grinding action in check – When having zirconia crowns
fitted over your teeth, you should be aware of grinding your teeth
unintentionally. This action mostly happens at night. This puts extra pressure
on your concerned teeth and cap, leading to the weakening of the teeth.
Suppose you realize that you are over-grinding your teeth. In that case, you
should immediately consult your dentist, who might prescribe you a device
called night guards, which, on wearing, will help you maintain a barrier
between the opposing teeth and help to a great extent.
• Regular follow-up check-up visits – It is advised that everyone have a regular
dental visit once every 4 – 6 months to get an oral health scan done,
especially for patients who have undergone any kind of dental treatment.
Zirconia crowns fall under the category of dental restorations, which need
regular check-ups by a dentist. If anything is going wrong in the zirconia
crown and the tooth under the cap, it can be diagnosed well in the earlier
stage, and a suitable treatment plan can be taken to solve the issue.
• Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and stain-causing food items – Smoking,
having alcohol/aerated drinks and other acidic foods is not considered ideal
for oral and general health. When we have dental restorations in our mouth,
it is important to keep a check on our food habits, which would maintain the
health of the natural teeth and the restorations.
Zirconia crowns are one of the durable options for dental solutions. Although it has
its own limitations and contraindications, they are much better than metal
restorations and other toxic and weak materials. Its ceramic content makes it a
unique type of dental crown for treating a variety of dental concerns. One of the
most important features of zirconia crowns is that they maintain the strength of the
tooth and increase the longevity of the treatment. In case of doubts, if zirconia
crowns are a perfect match for your case, it is always advisable to resolve the issues
with a dentist and then go for it.